We call them “small workers” as if their jobs were of less importance than those of the ones who stand mightily above them in refrigerated skyscrapers, sitting around wooden office desks with hot coffee intakes at their fingertips, glaring at their iPhones and meddling with their laptops while discussing who will do what, how and when in this world of theirs, as if those “small workers” were mere afterthoughts one might have to take into account when and only when more important matters were fully resolved…

How condescending of an attitude is to belittle the everyday people who make skyscrapers stand in the first place or wooden desks stand still for years without breaking down, those who make a living out of whatever may be available around them just so they can feed their families for the day only, for a day’s worth of scraps is better than nothing at all, even though as much will have to be earned the day next and the day after and the day later, without so much of a sliver of thoughts about taking a break, for breaks won’t ever do when survival is due…




KILOMBERO, Pts. 1 & 2